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2016-04-19 20:49:20

I saw your ●●●●●● in the paper ●●●●●●yn 500mg ●●●●●●tions The ●●●●●● Marine and Secret S●●●●●● agent told me, “You know what? We’re worse off than we were ●●●●●●. And sure, there’s ●●●●●● blame to go ●●●●●● on all sides, but when the P●●●●●●nt calls a ●●●●●●g and says, ‘It’s my way or the ●●●●●●y'? It’s ●●●●●●ing to the ●●●●●● and the ●●●●●●y. Why hasn’t the P●●●●●●nt ●●●●●●t in Vice P●●●●●●nt Biden, who knows the ●●●●●●ss ●●●●●● than ●●●●●●, to ●●●●●●ate? B●●●●●● the ●●●●●●ent and Harry Reid have made a ●●●●●●on that the more it hurts, the worse the R●●●●●●cans will look.”